Pay-Per-Play Audio Ads? No, Thanks!

Advertising is the most profitable way to make cash with the help of the Internet. It’s been approached from every angle and direction, it’s been considered the saving of many companies that would otherwise collapse financially. Come to think about the efforts going into the industry, advertising is no longer a need for
business, it’s also a trend, and like any trend, it is constantly being considered for “fashion” changes. ASCII
were considered at one time, then came color on the ads, the text being written as interestingly as possible, then came the floating ads (which I hate with all my heart), video ads are also present and now the latest buzz is about audio.

Could you imagine having to be forced into listening one ad per x minutes you spend on a site? It’s madness, sheer madness. A radio without the shows. An annoying free consultant that you just cannot fire. Of course, you could just close the speakers or lower the overall volume, but to go through all that trouble? You might be listening to radio on the Internet and right when the news you have been waiting for an update all day comes, you get to hear something like “Are you tired? Really tired? You need to spice up your life! Get your hands on the latest [insert anything you would never want to know anything about here]!”

Claiming to be a huge demand for this type of ads, Pay-Per-Play says that it has a huge 6 million websites using its advertising. And furthermore, it’s being requested by the big names all over the world, according to them. I sincerely doubt that once the nouveau factor is out, the service will keep running. Today’s man’s patience is growing to be very thin and this might be the last straw to tip it over. Oh, and let’s not forget that it pays very poorly, according to Jeremy Schoemaker: less than 1 cent per delivery to a person. You’d need what, a hundred or more to get a buck? Is giving your visitors up worth this?

Practical Aspects of WordPress SEO

The most challenging stage in websites maintenance and promotion is represented by the application of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques with the purpose to increase the websites visibility for search engine robots.

Depending on the website structure and content type, the selection of SEO algorithms is different from a situation to another. All SEO techniques have common principles, but their implementation will follow specific guidelines, based on a given website particularities.

In case of websites (usually blogs) based on WordPress content management system, there are a few SEO tips that will increase the traffic not only for the homepage, but even for certain posts or pages. The most important action to optimize your WordPress blog is to modify the permalinks structure. You can change the default permalinks structure by going to your WordPress administration panel, choosing Options, then Permalinks.

At this point, you can choose a predefined structure or to specify a custom one. The most recommended is the link structure that contains in its name keywords related to the content and also present in the Keywords meta tag. As a consequence, you could choose the next option for your permalinks structure, which will contain the category name and respectively the post name:


In case you change the permalinks structure and you want to maintain the traffic coming from the old links, the plugin called “Permalinks Moved Permanently” will redirect the visitors to the new location of your posts. The articles titles must be maintained short and should also be directly related to the post content. It is also recommended to use H1 or H2 tags for your titles, but it seems that the WordPress CMS do this article title formatting automatically.

Another important step in your WordPress SEO is represented by the optimization of HTML meta-tags title, description, keywords for the individual webpages. In this sense the plugin “All in One SEO Pack” will automatically generate optimized meta-tags and will adjust the webpage titles structure. A sitemap is also another useful tool in making your website more visible to search engines. For example, a Google compliant XML sitemap could be generated using “Google XML Sitemaps” plugin.

This article represent only a short introduction to the search engine optimization methods specific yo WordPress content management system. These tips will ensure the minimal search engine visibility for your blog. For an advanced SEO, you must know that, beside the quality of your content, there are many other influencing factors of websites interactions with search engines, like one way links, the number of internal links, type of content and more. By analyzing these factors, you will be able to decide the adjustments needed to gain the desired level of website transparency for search engines.

Source : Softpedia

All of YouTube's Videos for You!

Until now, only a few thousand videos from YouTube were accessible on the mobile platform out of the tens of millions available. Well, not any longer, as today the video sharing site has expanded its mobile service to include its entire collection. And that’s not all! Most of the features that have made its website so well received have been implemented, such as the rating of videos and sharing them with friends.

A good decision on the management end, as the 100 million users that have just been granted access to the
videos represent a good enough market for the advertisement placing that Google bought YouTube for in the first place. The more videos there are, the more people will be inclined to surf the site and will be exposed to the publicity. Easy as that, wouldn’t you agree? The only thing you must have, in order to access the video library, is a 3G operator and, also, the phone should have streaming capability.

Oh, don’t start thinking that you’ll be bombarded with advertising from day one. No, they’re throwing in the bait and wait for as many as possible to swallow the hook and become accustomed to watching videos on their phones. Then, and only then, ads will be presented to the users and the reeling will start.

On a different matter, YouTube also announced that it was trying to make it easier for its users to upload videos directly from their phones and that they’d developed an application that could be installed on some of the models on the market. At the moment only a few, from Nokia and Sony-Ericsson, and the plan is to monitor the success of the program and, afterwards, if it’ll be worth it, to spread the compatibility to most of the handsets.


Install Photoshop CS2 on Your Ubuntu PC

Starting from last night, Photoshop CS2 can now be installed easily by using Wine… on any Linux distribution!
“Photoshop CS/CS2 should now work, please help us testing it” – said the wonderful people behind the Wine
project. Therefore, I’ve updated my Ubuntu 7.10 operating system to the latest version of Wine (version 0.9.54 – released on January 25, 2008) and grabbed my “dusted” Photoshop CS2 (a.k.a. version 9.0) CD. I’ve inserted the CD in the optical drive of my computer and installed Photoshop CS2 just like I was on a Windows PC. And guess what? It really works folks! Amazing! No hacks, no need to copy installation files from a Windows PC or any other “magic” tricks you probably saw on the Internet. The Wine team did a fantastic job with this last release. Thank you guys!

So… are you eager to see this miracle on your own Ubuntu PC? No problem! Read below our step-by-step tutorial on how to install Photoshop CS2 on Ubuntu Gutsy.

Things you need:

• Wine 0.9.54
• An Original Photoshop CS2 CD

Step 1: Install and configure Wine

If you don’t have Wine installed, here’s how to get the latest version:

1. Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal) and paste the following commands (one by one – hit ENTER after each one):
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add –
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list
sudo apt-get update
Then close the terminal window.

2. Go to Applications -> Add/Remove, make sure you select the “All available applications” option in the upper-right side of the window, search for wine and install it. When it’s done, close the window.
3. Hit ALT+F2 and paste in the following command:

wine iexplore

Click ‘Install’ when prompted and when you’ll see the “Wine Internet Explorer” window and WineHQ website, then you can close it.
4. Search on Google for the Tahoma font with the following string:

tahoma filetype:ttf

Save it on your desktop, then move it to the Wine fonts folder (full path -> /home/yourusername/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts).

Tip: To see the .wine folder, go to View -> Show Hidden Files option in your home directory.

Step 2: Install Photoshop CS2

Insert your Photoshop CS2 CD in the optical drive and a folder should appear after a few seconds. Go to the “Adobe Photoshop CS2” directory, right click on the setup.exe file and choose the Open with “Wine Windows Emulator” option. The Photoshop installer will pop-up and I guess you know what to do now.

When the installation is over, you will find the Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Adobe ImageReady CS2 shortcuts under the Wine entry in your Start Menu.

And here it is…. Adobe Photoshop CS2 running on Ubuntu 7.10. Enjoy!